Monday, April 12, 2021

Association - Institution. - (8 links).   17/01/2021   Alice Yard es un espacio y una red de arte contemporáneo, con sede desde finales de enero de 2020 en Belmont, Puerto España, Trinidad y Tobago. Alice Yard está administrada y comisariada por el arquitecto Sean Leonard, el artista Christopher Cozier, el escritor y editor Nicholas Laughlin y el diseñador Kriston Chen, con la ayuda de una red en evolución de colaboradores creativos.   17/08/2020   The Henry Moore Foundation is embarking on an exciting new project to publish Henry Moore’s entire artistic output in one comprehensive and illustrated online catalogue. Moore’s work has been extensively catalogued before now. Catalogue raisonnés of sculpture, drawings and graphic work were published between 1944 and 2010.   02/12/2020   Matters in Media Art. A multi-phase collaborative project designed to provide guidelines for the care of media art. A resource for collectors, artists, and institutions of all sizes caring for works of art that have moving image, electronic, and digital elements.   31/12/2020   Parasol unit foundation for contemporary art is a not-for-profit art institution and educational charity that operates purely for the public benefit.   01/12/2020   ANBA. Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes. Su acervo cultural está compuesto por: Obras de Arte, de la que se conserva un conjunto integrado por pinturas, esculturas, grabados, litografías, dibujos y tapices, donados por sus autores, artistas académicos y coleccionistas.   13/04/2020   The European Association of Archaeologists, EAA has had over 15.000 members on its database from 60 countries world-wide working in prehistory, classical, medieval and later archaeology. Upon signing in, you can view EAA membership statistics, search your fellow members or interact with EAA Boards and Committees members.   12/11/2020   La Villa Arson est la seule institution nationale dédiée à l’art contemporain à réunir un centre d’art, une école supérieure d’art, une résidence d’artistes et une bibliothèque spécialisée. C’est en outre un des fleurons de l’architecture des années 1970.   13/02/2021   York Museums Trust was formed on August 1 2002, as an independent charitable trust to manage the museums and gallery service previously run by City of York Council. Supported by the Council, York Museums Trust is responsible for York Art Gallery, York Castle Museum, Yorkshire Museum and Gardens and York St Mary’s.