e _ i - (21 links).

egiptologia.com   01/05/2020   Amigos de la Egiptología. Vive el Antiguo Egipto. La difusión de la egiptología y dar a conocer el antiguo Egipto como únicas metas. Estos son los objetivos con los que Víctor creó AE en 1996.

en.dpm.org.cn   27/12/2020   The Palace Museum. Established in 1925, the Palace Museum was installed in the imperial palace of two consecutive dynasties - the Ming (1368-1644) and the Qing (1644-1911). It is one of the most prestigious museums in China and the world at large.

fac.umass.edu/UMCA/Online   26/12/2020   The University Museum of Contemporary Art - the teaching museum of the University Massachusetts Amherst – is a multidisciplinary, international laboratory for the exploration and advancement of contemporary art.

finearts.hku.hk/hkaa/revamp2011   01/05/2020   The Hong Kong Art Archive has been founded with the aim of promoting awareness and study of Hong Kong artistic achievement on a worldwide basis. At present the HKAA exists only on a modest scale, but if resources permit we hope to expand it in due course.

finearts.hku.hk/hkaa/revamp2011/artists.php   19/01/2020   Hong Kong Art Archive. The Hong Kong Art Archive has been founded with the aim of promoting awareness and study of Hong Kong artistic achievement on a worldwide basis.

folkartmuseum.org   27/12/2020   American Folk Art Museum. New York City. Since 1961, the American Folk Art Museum has been the leading institution shaping the understanding of art by the self-taught through its exhibitions, publications, and educational programs.

frombork.art.pl   27/12/2020   Muzeum Mikołaja Kopernika we Fromborku. Pierwsza izba pamiątkowa we Fromborku, poświęcona Mikołajowi Kopernikowi, została założona w 1912 roku, w budynku na Wzgórzu Katedralnym we Fromborku zwanym Wieżą Kopernika, przez historyka warmińskiego księdza Eugena Brachvogla.

fullercraft.org   27/12/2020   Fuller Craft Museum offers expansive opportunities to discover the world of contemporary craft. By exploring the leading edge of craft through exhibitions, collections, education, and public programs, we challenge perceptions and build appreciation of the material world.

gcma.org   01/05/2020   Greenville County Museum of Art. Considered the premier American art museum in the South, the GCMA is home to the world’s largest public collection of watercolors by artist Andrew Wyeth.

gilcrease.org   27/12/2020   The Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art, known as Gilcrease Museum, houses a comprehensive collection of the art, culture and history of North America. Thomas Gilcrease, a citizen of the Muscogee Creek Nation, established Gilcrease Museum in 1949 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

giverny.org   01/05/2020   Giverny Vernon : In the Heart of Impressionism. Giverny and Vernon tourist guide, Claude Monet's house and gardens, tourist informations, hotels and restaurants. Claude Monet's life and impressionist art. Impressionism, Museums, Gardens, Castles. A trip close to Paris in Normandy France.

grandearte.net   19/01/2020   Grande Arte. A Digital Library for Art Lovers.

graphicwitness.org   01/05/2020   Graphic Witness. Visual arts and social commentary in prints and illustrations. Welcome to Graphic Witness, a site dedicated to social commentary through graphic imagery by artists working from the turn of the 20th Century to the present, with related bibliographic and biographic data.

hallwylskamuseet.se/sv   01/05/2020   Hallwylska museet. När Wilhelmina von Hallwyl och hennes man Walther köpte tomten på Hamngatan 4 var den inte tom. Där låg ett helt kvarter med fallfärdiga verkstäder och kåkar. Allt revs för att palatset skulle få plats. Wilhelmina behövde utrymme för sina stora samlingar, Walther behövde ett ordentligt kontor och båda ville ha en bostad som passade deras livsstil.

hirshhorn.si.edu   01/05/2020   Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum is a leading voice for contemporary art and culture and provides a national platform for the art and artists of our time.

hmnh.harvard.edu   26/12/2020   The Harvard Museum of Natural History was established in 1998 as the public face of three research museums: the Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Harvard University Herbaria, and the Mineralogical & Geological Museum.

hmsc.harvard.edu   27/12/2020   Harvard Museums of Science & Culture. The mission of the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture (HMSC) is to foster curiosity and a spirit of discovery in visitors of all ages, enhancing public understanding of and appreciation for the natural world, science, and human cultures.

hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu   01/05/2020   Hood Museum. Dartmouth's collections are among the oldest and largest of any college or university in the country, but it was not until the Charles Moore–designed Hood Museum of Art opened its doors in 1985 that they were all housed under one roof and made available to faculty, students, and the public.

huh.harvard.edu   27/12/2020   The Harvard University Herbaria are among some several thousand collections of pressed, dried plant specimens worldwide that are used by researchers to further our understanding of the plant world.

hyperallergic.com   27/12/2020   Hyperallergic is a leading voice in contemporary perspectives on art, culture, and more. The online publication was founded by the husband-and-husband team, Veken Gueyikian and Hrag Vartanian, in 2009 as a forum for playful, serious, and radical perspectives on art in society.

icom.museum/fr   25/03/2020   ICOM. International Council of Museums. L’ICOM est l’organisation internationale des musées et des professionnels de musée vouée à la recherche, à la conservation, à la pérennité et à la transmission à la société, du patrimoine naturel et culturel mondial, présent et futur, matériel et immatériel.