www.j _ www.n - (84 links).

www.jamesabsmith.co.uk 29/12/2016 James Smith is a nature photographer who has always taken a great interest in nature and the environment. In 2009 he embarked on the Wildlife and Environmental Photography degree course, at Blackpool and the Fylde College. Through this he has been able to develop his visual language and enforce his photography with conceptual imagery.

www.jchristophergalleries.com 03/09/2019 J. Christopher Galleries: Nature Imagery From The Pacific Northwest and beyond. Portland area Photographer specializing in Nature, Cityscape and Conceptual imagery for use in Corporate, Location, Product, Advertising, Editorial, Architecture and Fine Art.

www.jernbanemuseet.dk 14/04/2019 Danmarks Jernbanemuseum er mere end 100 år gammelt. Fra 1975 fik museet en blivende plads i Odense. Det er nu en af de største fynske attraktioner. Historien om Danmarks Jernbanemuseum rækker tilbage til 1900-tallets begyndelse. I 1904 tog jernbane manden A.L. Ohmeyer således initiativ til en omfattende indsamling af billeder, fotografier, bøger og mindre genstande.

www.jmuseum.lt 02/03/2020 VVGŽM. Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus - vienintelis žydų muziejus Lietuvoje, kuriame veikia Lietuvos žydų dailės, kultūros, istorijos, judaikos ir Holokausto ekspozicijos, vyksta kultūriniai ir edukaciniai renginiai, konferencijos, filmų peržiūros, diskusijos.

www.kansallisgalleria.fi 15/07/2018

www.keyagallery.com 18/02/2017 Keya Gallery - Historical Photographs, Manuscripts, Autographs, and Documents. Rare Historical Photographs and Manuscripts. We specialize in the American Civil War, U. S. Presidents, African-American history, the American Revolutionary War, and the Signers of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

www.krehbielart.com/index.htm 25/05/2019 Albert H. Krehbiel, (1873-1945), was a monumentally talented artist, professor and muralist. Art critic Eleanor Jewett once wrote of Krehbiel’s vibrant landscapes: “His pictures will long be remembered for their happy note, their impression of joy in nature, and the sheer beauty of their impetuous, irresponsible color.”

www.landesmuseum-hannover.niedersachsen.de/startseite 04/05/2018

www.lipuarte.it 29/10/2015 LipanjePuntin Contemporary Art Gallery in Trieste Italy. Contemporary art gallery in Trieste Italy. International artists who express themselves through painting, sculpture, installation, photography, video.

www.louvre.fr 16/11/2019 Le Louvre, une institution séculaire tournée vers l'avenir. Héritier du siècle des Lumières et de la Révolution française, le Louvre s’est vite imposé comme le «musée des musées», une institution qui n'a cessé, depuis, de servir de modèle et de référence. Ancien palais des rois, le Louvre épouse l’histoire de France depuis huit siècles.

www.louvrelens.fr 16/11/2019 Site officiel du musée du Louvre-Lens. Un lieu de découverte et d’émerveillement.

www.lrma.org 22/09/2019 The Lauren Rogers Museum of Art is located of Fifth Avenue, a broad, tree-lined avenue, among turn-of-the-century homes one block from the center of Laurel. It is surrounded by live oaks, azaleas, English ivy, and Asiatic jasmine. The Georgian Revival structure with its formal axial symmetry was designed by Rathbone deBuys of New Orleans.

www.lymanallyn.org 16/04/2017

www.magnumphotos.com 03/09/2019 Two years after the apocalypse that was called the Second World War ended, Magnum Photos was founded.

www.mas.org 16/04/2017 Founded in 1893, the Municipal Art Society (MAS) has helped create a more livable city by advocating for the quality of the built environment through excellence in urban planning, design, preservation and placemaking through the arts.

www.masshist.org 08/09/2018 Founded in 1791, the Massachusetts Historical Society is an invaluable resource for American history, life, and culture. Its extraordinary collections tell the story of America through millions of rare and unique documents, artifacts, and irreplaceable national treasures.

www.mattlathamphotography.com 03/01/2016 Welcome to Wildlife Photography by Matt Latham. I've been interested in natural history, particularly birds, since I was a young boy. After many years birding, which started in North Wales where I grew up, I developed a passion for photography. That passion is still burning bright approximately 8 years later.

www.mattlathamphotography.com/Birds 03/01/2016

www.mbam.qc.ca/en 03/05/2018

www.md.spb.ru 31/05/2017 Литературно-мемориальный музей Ф.М.Достоевского был открыт 12 ноября 1971 года в доме на Кузнечном переулке 5/2. В этом доме Достоевский дважды снимал квартиру: в течение очень короткого времени в 1846 году и с октября 1878 года до дня своей смерти – 28 января 1881 года. Начало и конец творческого пути оказались сопряженными в одной точке.

www.md.spb.ru/dostoevsky 31/05/2017 Достоевский. Образ гениальной творческой личности всегда обладает огромной притягательной силой как для современников, так и для потомков. Каким был этот человек в жизни? Как отразилась необыкновенная природная одаренность во внешнем облике гениального человека? Чем отличаются от обычных людей, среди которых они живут, эти избранники?

www.mecd.gob.es/mnceramica/home.html 08/10/2015 Manuel González Martí nació el 1 de enero de 1877, hijo de Emilio González Pitarch, procurador de los Tribunales de Justicia de Valencia, y de Vicenta Martí Sanmartín. Estudió Derecho en la Universidad de Valencia y Bellas Artes en la Real Academia de San Carlos.

www.medart.pitt.edu 18/08/2016 IMAGES OF MEDIEVAL ART AND ARCHITECTURE © Alison Stones. The purpose of this site is to promote education and research in Medieval art and architecture. We plan to expand it by adding more monuments, images, various levels of supplementary information, bibliographical references, and different kinds of cross-links including keyword searching.

www.metmuseum.org 01/03/2020 The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the world's largest and finest art museums. Its collection includes more than two million works of art spanning five thousand years of world culture, from prehistory to the present and from every part of the globe.

www.metmuseum.org/blogs 12/04/2019 Blogs. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Met hosts blogs on a wide range of subjects. Visit our Blogs page to get the latest from Met staff and guest authors.

www.mhcat.cat 28/01/2020

www.mhcat.cat/layout/set/presons/content/view/full/1175 17/11/2017

www.michaelhirst.co.uk 29/12/2016 Michael Hirst. Wildlife Photographer.

www.mmkk.at/30753_DE 04/05/2018

www.mmn-muenchen.de 18/07/2015

www.mmoma.ru/en 12/06/2016

www.mna.inah.gob.mx 12/03/2020

www.mnac.ro 12/03/2020 Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană al României. Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană din România s-a profilat ca o instituție vie, dedicată expunerii, cercetării și promovării artei contemporane românești.

www.mnh.si.edu/exhibits/eternal-life/index.cfm 02/12/2015 People have long been fascinated by ancient Egyptians and their beliefs about eternal life after death. Eternal Life after Death in Ancient Egypt presents stories that focus on Egyptian burial ritual, how it reflects Egyptian cosmology, and the insights that mummies, burial ritual, and cosmology provide about life in ancient Egypt.

www.mnha.lu 24/05/2019 Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art. Luxembourg.

www.mnhn.fr 24/05/2019

www.mnhn.lu 24/05/2019

www.mnsancarlos.inba.gob.mx 01/11/2019

www.mnw.art.pl 14/12/2019

www.moma.org 25/03/2019 MoMA is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds, and provides inspiration. Its extraordinary exhibitions and collection of modern and contemporary art are dedicated to helping you understand and enjoy the art of our time. Caption: The Museum of Modern Art, designed by Yoshio Taniguchi.

www.mopa.org 08/05/2017 The mission of the Museum of Photographic Arts is to inspire, educate and engage the broadest possible audience through the presentation, collection and preservation of photography, film and video.

www.mori.art.museum/jp 16/04/2017 私たちは都市再開発の新しいモデルとして「六本木ヒルズ」を構想した当初からその最も重要なコンセプトを「文化都心」と位置付けました。そして、人びとが同時代の文化を体験し、検証することができる現代アートの美術館をその中心にすえ2003年10月、東京のどこからでも見える森タワーの最上層に開館いたしました。森美術館は来館者がいつでも楽しみ、刺激を受け、そして対話が生まれる場所でありたいと、展覧会開催中は休館日なしで夜遅くまで開館しています。また、あらゆる年齢、地域、国々の人びとに開かれた美術館であることをめざしています。

www.motat.org.nz 16/04/2017 MOTAT is New Zealand's largest transport and technology museum of its kind and offers a fun and exciting learning experience for visitors of all ages. The core vision is to “use New Zealand’s heritage, kiwi ingenuity, transport, technology and associated stories in a creative and interactive way to educate and inspire the innovators of tomorrow.”

www.mpm.edu 25/03/2019 The Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM) was one of several major American museums established in the late 19th century. Although it was officially chartered in 1882, its existence can be traced back to 1851, to the founding of the German-English Academy in Milwaukee.

www.musee-delacroix.fr 16/11/2019 Le musée Delacroix est un lieu unique. Maison d’artiste et lieu de mémoire, créé en hommage à Delacroix par les plus grands artistes des années 1920 - Maurice Denis, Paul Signac, Édouard Vuillard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, notamment -, il témoigne de l’admiration qu’ils portèrent au peintre et à son œuvre.

www.musee-orsay.fr 26/08/2017 Le musée d'Orsay est un musée national du ministère de la Culture, de même que le musée de l'Orangerie et le musée Hébert. Ces trois musées sont gérés par l'Etablissement public du musée d'Orsay et du musée de l'Orangerie. Le musée d'Orsay est un musée national du Ministère de la Culture.

www.museobarbero.org.py 18/02/2020 Museo Barbero. La fundación del Museo Etnográfico "Dr. Andrés Barbero" se debe al gran filántropo y estudioso Dr. Andrés Barbero, quien siendo presidente de la Sociedad Científica del Paraguay y en colaboración con otras instituciones, cursó la invitación para fundar un Museo de Historia y Etnografía el 21 de junio de 1929.

www.museooteiza.org 25/03/2020 Fundación-Museo Jorge Oteiza. Alzuza, Navarra. Fundación-Museo dedicada a la conservación, exposición y estudio de la obra del escultor vasco Jorge Oteiza.

www.museopatioherreriano.org/MuseoPatioHerreriano 16/01/2016 El Patio Herreriano posee una colección de arte contemporáneo español desde 1918 hasta la actualidad.

www.museoreinasofia.es 16/01/2016 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. La Colección del Museo Reina Sofía la conforman más de 21.000 obras. El objetivo es presentar toda la Colección en la página web. Hasta el momento, hay una selección de más de 8.300 obras, que va aumentando progresivamente. En algunos casos, las imágenes de las mismas no están reproducidas por cuestiones de derechos de autor.

www.museumarnhem.nl 04/05/2018

www.museum-nienburg.de 04/05/2018

www.museumofvictorianscience.co.uk 02/12/2015 Museum of Victorian Science, Glaisdale. A virtual visit to Dr Frankensteins laboratory with Geissler Tubes, Bouquet Tubes, Railway Tubes, Jacob's Ladder, telegraph system, early x-ray tubes and many more crackling spark, electric flame laden demonstrations.

www.museumphones.com/index.shtml 31/05/2017 The Christianson Telephone Collection. I suppose one could say that I fell into antique telephone collecting by accident. I was working for Redwoods Telephone Company, a very small independent telephone company in Cave Junction, Oregon. My title was "storekeeper." I was also considered the warehouse manager, amongst other things.

www.museumphotography.com 31/05/2017 The Egyptian Theben Desert Portfolio. Photography By Yarko Kobylecky.

www.museums.or.ke 31/05/2017 National Museums of Kenya (NMK) is a state corporation established by an Act of Parliament, the Museums and Heritage Act 2006. NMK is a multi-disciplinary institution whose role is to collect, preserve, study, document and present Kenya’s past and present cultural and natural heritage.

www.museums-sheffield.org.uk 19/05/2019 Museums Sheffield was created in 1998 as an independent charity to take over the running of the city’s non-industrial museums and galleries from Sheffield City Council. Our first major project was the launch of the newly-built Millennium Gallery in 2001, a cornerstone of Sheffield’s Heart of the City regeneration project.

www.museums-sheffield.org.uk/museums/graves-gallery/home 19/05/2019 The Graves Gallery is the home of Sheffield’s visual art collection. Situated above the Central Library, away from the noise and traffic of the city centre, the Gallery is a peaceful haven for visitors to enjoy the city’s art and a programme of temporary exhibitions.

www.museums-sheffield.org.uk/museums/millennium-gallery/home 19/05/2019 The Millennium Gallery is Sheffield’s premier destination for art, craft and design. Here you can see some of Sheffield’s unique heritage, including the metalwork which made the city world famous, alongside contemporary art and design exhibitions.

www.museums-sheffield.org.uk/museums/weston-park/home 19/05/2019 Weston Park is an award-winning, family-friendly museum where the visitors come first. If visiting with children, simply wind up and release, but there is plenty of treasure here for adults too. Discover the real story of Sheffield, from its geological roots to the people, politics and music that shaped the modern city.

www.museunacional.cat/ca 12/03/2020

www.museunacional.cat/ca/biblioteca-i-arxiu 09/06/2018

www.museunacional.cat/ca/colleccio 09/06/2018

www.museunacional.cat/ca/xarxa-de-museus-dart 09/06/2018

www.museus.ulisboa.pt 24/05/2019

www.muzeubuzau.ro 28/11/2019 Muzeul Județean Buzău.

www.muzeumkrakowa.pl 07/11/2019

www.muzeumkrakowa.pl/collection 07/11/2019

www.narahaku.go.jp 24/05/2019 奈良国立博物館 奈良国立博物館の公式サイト。国宝、重要文化財など多数展示。

www.narahaku.go.jp/english/index_e.html 24/05/2019 Nara National Museum. The founding of the first museum in Japan was originally motivated by the 1867 Paris Expo in France. In 1871, the Natural History Bureau was founded under the Ministry of Education, and the Yushima Seidō (Yushima Confucius Temple) was converted to a museum.

www.nationalgallery.org.uk 08/07/2018 The Gallery’s national strategy promotes the understanding, knowledge and appreciation of Old Master paintings throughout the UK. It is our ambition to give these paintings a major role in modern cultural life.

www.nationalmuseum.se 19/06/2018 Nationalmuseum är Sveriges största konst- och designmuseum. Det är också en statlig myndighet med uppgift att främja konsten. I samlingarna finns måleri, skulptur, miniatyrer, konsthantverk, design, teckningar, grafiska blad och porträttfotografier. Sammanlagt består samlingarna av cirka 700 000 föremål från 1500-talet och fram till idag.

www.nationalmuseumindia.gov.in 27/10/2015

www.nationaltrustcollections.org.uk 11/10/2019 National Trust Collections. Discover the art and collections of over 200 historic places in the care of the National Trust. National Trust Collections make up, as a whole, one of the world's largest and most significant holdings of art and heritage, a living cultural resource accessible to everyone.

www.natureum-niederelbe.de 04/05/2018

www.nhm.ac.uk 24/05/2019 Natural History Museum. Book exhibition tickets. Explore our galleries, science, news, videos and amazing images. South Kensington tube. London, UK.

www.norton.org 25/03/2020 Norton Museum of Art. The Norton Museum is internationally known for its distinguished permanent collection featuring American Art, Chinese Art, Contemporary Art, European Art and Photography.

www.nrm.org 24/09/2015

www.nrm.org.uk 24/09/2015

www.nrm.org/?lang=es 24/09/2015

www.nrm.se 24/09/2015

www.nrm.se/english.16_en.html 24/09/2015

www.nsrider.com 19/10/2016 Wanderings of the Night Sky Rider. Photo blog with quotes and writing pages.

www.nyu.edu/greyart 27/07/2015