www.0 _ www.d - (85 links).

www.aaa.si.edu 29/10/2015 Founded in Detroit in 1954 by Edgar P. Richardson, then Director of the Detroit Institute of Arts, and Lawrence A. Fleischman, a Detroit executive and active young collector, the initial goal of the Archives was to serve as microfilm repository of papers housed in other institutions.

www.accioncultural.es 14/09/2016 Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) es una entidad pública dedicada a impulsar y promocionar la cultura y el patrimonio de España, dentro y fuera de sus fronteras.

www.aeronauticum.de 04/05/2018

www.albanyinstitute.org 24/05/2019 Founded in 1791, the Albany Institute of History & Art is one of the oldest museums in the United States. It also is the major repository for the region's heritage, with nationally significant collections.

www.alexandriava.gov/Museums 21/03/2017 Museums and Historic Sites. Many of the City's premier historic sites are owned and operated by the City of Alexandria and fall under the administration of the Office of Historic Alexandria, the department of City government charged with the conservation, interpretation and promotion of these links to the past.

www.almendron.com/arte/glosario/glosario_a.htm 13/02/2020 Glosario. Diccionario arte. Asociación Almendrón.

www.americanillustration.org 07/02/2016 The National Museum of American Illustration (NMAI) was founded in 1998 by Judy Goffman Cutler and Laurence S. Cutler to house their art collection primarily from the 'Golden Age of American Illustration,' yet the museum exhibits American illustration from all periods, styles and talents.

www.amherst.edu/museums/mead 17/05/2018

www.amnh.org 29/02/2020 The American Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s preeminent scientific and cultural institutions. Since its founding in 1869, the Museum has advanced its global mission to discover, interpret, and disseminate information about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe through a wide-ranging program of scientific research, education, and exhibition.

www.amnh.org/our-research/anthropology 16/04/2017

www.amnh.org/research/anthropology 24/05/2019 The Division of Anthropology is concerned with all aspects of human behavior, past, present, and with an eye to the future. Our work is biological, archaeological, socio-cultural and linguistic. American Museum of Natural History.

www.amuseum.org/book 25/01/2016

www.apollo-magazine.com 07/01/2020 Apollo. The International Art Magazine.

www.artadvice.com/blog/about 16/04/2017 Founder and Director of Contemporary Artists’ Services, Sylvia White has been advising artists on all matters related to business, marketing and exhibitions since 1979. Considered a pioneer in the field of professional practices for visual artists, White has presented workshops and lectured extensively on career management skills.

www.artcrimeresearch.org 09/11/2016

www.arteuna.com 14/06/2015

www.artline.com 07/02/2016 Artline ® was established as a comprehensive and educational index of the finest dealers and artists.

www.artloft.com 07/02/2016 Welcome to the Artloft Gallery of Fine Art. We specialize in lithographs and works on paper. You will find well known graphic work from master artists like Marc Chagall, Joan Miro, Henri Matisse, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Fernand Leger, Georges Braque, Rufino Tamayo, Francisco Zuniga, Marino Marini, Graciela Rodo Boulanger and many more.

www.artnet.se 07/02/2016 Artnet Scandinavia. Skandinaviens största auktions och konstportal.

www.artoffer.com 07/02/2016 Artoffer ist mehr als Leidenschaft. Diese Kunst-Gemeinschaft ist Ausdruck unserer tiefen Überzeugung, dass Kunst Brücken zwischen Welten und Kulturen baut, dass die Begegnung mit dem Fremden uns hilft, die Welt – und somit auch uns selbst – besser zu verstehen. Kunst ist die schönste Art, die Welt zu erfahren, lustvoll und mit Leidenschaft.

www.artrenewal.org 29/06/2016 Art Renewal Center. ARC. To create the largest on-line Museum on the internet, with hundreds of thousands of oversized high quality images of all the known works of the greatest painters and sculptors in human history, cross referenced to the largest encyclopedic online art reference library of historical texts, essays, biographies and articles.

www.artres.com 24/05/2019 Dr. Theodore Feder established Art Resource in 1968, while he was a graduate student and instructor in Art History at Columbia University. He had no way of predicting then, let alone assuring, the future growth of the company. Indeed for the first year Art Resource operated out of Dr. Feders apartment near the University.

www.artretreatmuseum.com/main.htm 24/05/2019 Art Retreat. Founded by Indonesian collector Kwee Swie Teng in 2003, Art Retreat is Singapore's first private museum with a significant collection of modern art by some of the most renowned artists of the region.

www.art-review.co.uk 24/05/2019 Street art can be defined as art that is developed in public spaces and above all, in the street. It can mean a lot of different things including graffiti, sticker art, installations, poster art, wall paintings or murals, stencils and just about any artwork that is displayed in public spaces. History of street art is closely connected to graffiti.

www.arts.gov 18/02/2017 The National Endowment for the Arts is an independent federal agency that funds, promotes, and strengthens the creative capacity of our communities by providing all Americans with diverse opportunities for arts participation.

www.artstor.org 30/04/2019 Artstor provides faculty and students with a complete image resource in a wide array of subjects with the breadth and depth to add context and examine influences beyond the confines of your discipline. Artstor is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing scholarship and teaching through the use of digital images and media.

www.artsy.net 12/07/2015 Artsy’s mission is to make all the world’s art accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. We are a resource for art collecting and education.

www.artsy.net/artist/pablo-picasso 01/10/2019 Pablo Picasso. Spanish, 1881-1973. A prolific and tireless innovator of art forms, Pablo Picasso impacted the course of 20th-century art with unparalleled magnitude.

www.asianart.com 14/09/2016 Asianart is dedicated to all aspects of Asian art. It is our ambition to offer a forum for scholars, museums and commercial galleries.

www.askart.com 17/11/2017 AskART is an online database containing close to 300,000 artists, with information ranging from biographies to auction records. At the time of our Internet debut in year 2000, we focused on American artists; however, in 2008, we expanded our coverage to include international records.

www.atomictv.com 14/06/2015

www.auburn.edu/~mitrege/russian/churches 05/02/2017 Russian Church Architecture.

www.auburn.edu/~mitrege/russian/icons/index.html 05/02/2017 Russian Icons.

www.batavialand.nl 31/01/2020 Bezoek Batavialand, het museum van Flevoland, te Lelystad. Bezoek Batavialand, het museum van Flevoland, te Lelystad. Ontdek 7.000 jaar Nederlandse geschiedenis in het Erfgoedpark der Lage Landen.

www.beaux-arts.ca 24/05/2019 Lors de la création du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada en 1880, sa collection se résumait à un unique paysage du XIXe siècle. Plus de 140 ans plus tard, le Musée abrite plus de 75.000 œuvres d'art, ainsi que la vaste collection de Bibliothèque et Archives.

www.belvedere.at/de 15/06/2015

www.bio.uaic.ro/muzeu/muzeu.html 16/02/2016 Muzeul de Istorie Naturala din Iasi a fost înfiintat la data de 4 februarie 1834, din initiativa unui grup restrâns de membri ai Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti din Iasi, în frunte cu Iacob Cihac, Gheorghe Asachi, Mihail Zotta, Constantin Sturza si Costachi Negri.

www.bmy.com.cn/2015new/bmyweb 07/10/2019

www.bmy.com.cn/2015new/index.htm 07/10/2019

www.bnr.ro/Numismatica-726.aspx 16/02/2016 Numismatică. Banca Naţională a României.

www.bnro.ro/Muzeu-707.aspx 16/02/2016 Muzeul Băncii Naţionale a României. Amenajat în Palatul Vechi al Băncii Naţionale a României, Muzeul Băncii Naţionale a României găzduieşte o importantă colecţie numismatică, ce reflectă circulaţia monetară pe teritoriul României, de la monedele cetăţilor greceşti de pe ţărmul vest-pontic (sec. V î. Hr.), la denominarea leului (2005).

www.boijmans.nl/en 08/05/2017

www.boijmans.nl/nl 08/05/2017

www.bowers.org 18/06/2015

www.britishmuseum.org 25/03/2020 British Museum. The first national public museum of the world. The British Museum is unique in bringing together under one roof the cultures of the world, spanning continents and oceans. No other museum is responsible for collections of the same depth and breadth, beauty and significance.

www.britishmuseum.org/about_us/departments/ancient_egypt_and_sudan.aspx 04/04/2018 The Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum houses an extensive collection of objects which illustrate the cultures of the Nile Valley, from the Neolithic period (about 10,000 BC) until the present day.

www.britishmuseum.org/about_us/departments/prints_and_drawings.aspx 04/04/2018 The Department of Prints and Drawings contains the national collection of Western prints and drawings, in the same way as the National Gallery and Tate hold the national collection of paintings. It is one of the top three collections of its kind in the world.

www.britishmuseum.org/explore/a_history_of_the_world.aspx 12/01/2015

www.britishmuseum.org/pdf/Sidon%20excavation%20bibliography.pdf 04/04/2018 Sidon. British Museum. Excavations. Bibliography.

www.britishmuseum.org/research/publications/research_publications_series/2004/sir_aurel_stein_study_day.aspx 04/04/2018 Sir Aurel Stein proceedings of the British Museum study day, 23 March 2002. Edited by Helen Wang, curator of East Asian money at the British Museum.

www.britishmuseum.org/research/publications/research_publications_series/2008/handbook_stein_collection.aspx 04/04/2018 Handbook to the collections of Sir Aurel Stein in the UK. Helen Wang and John Perkins (eds.), 2008.

www.brukenthalmuseum.ro 16/02/2016 MUZEUL BRUKENTHAL. Întreaga structură a Muzeului Naţional Brukenthal de astăzi a evoluat în timp dintr-un nucleu unic: colecţiile baronului Samuel von Brukenthal şi dintr-o locaţie unică: Palatul Brukenthal.

www.bu.edu/art 17/09/2016

www.burkemuseum.org 17/11/2017 The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture was founded in 1885. It is the oldest public museum in Washington state and was designated the State Museum in 1899. Its administration resides with the University of Washington College of Arts & Sciences. The Burke recognizes that the museum sits on traditional Indigenous lands.

www.campulungmoldovenesc.ro/oras/muzeu/muzeu.html 16/02/2016 Înfiinţat ca Muzeu de etnografie şi ştiinţele naturii, a fost reprofilat în 1967 ca Muzeu al lemnului, este unic în ţară prin denumire şi printre puţinele din Europa, ca tematică şi pentru valoarea exponatelor. Deţine un bogat patrimoniu ce cuprinde peste 15.000 piese din lemn şi are la bază colecţiile etnografice alcătuite de Ion Ştefureac şi Constantin Brăescu.

www.cartermuseum.org 10/01/2016 The Amon Carter Museum of American Art was established through the generosity of Amon G. Carter Sr. (1879–1955) to house his collection of paintings and sculpture by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell; to collect, preserve, and exhibit the finest examples of American art; and to serve an educational role through exhibitions, publications, and programs devoted to the study of American art.

www.cartermuseum.org/collections/smith 18/02/2017 Erwin E. Smith (1886–1947) always wanted to be a cowboy and an artist. When he was a boy growing up in Bonham, a town in Fannin County in North Texas, the era of the great trail drives was over, and he feared that the old ways of the cowboy were disappearing. However, the legend and myth of the cowboy was just beginning.

www.catharijneconvent.nl 16/04/2017 Museum Catharijneconvent belicht – in samenspraak met partners en publiek – de esthetische, culturele en historische waarden van het christelijk erfgoed, met het doel meer inzicht te krijgen in onze huidige leefwereld. Sinds de middeleeuwen is de christelijke cultuur niet weg te denken uit onze samenleving.

www.centrepicasso.cat/datacat/index.htm 09/05/2017

www.centrepompidou.fr 24/05/2019 La Naissance d’un Concept Révolutionnaire. En 1969, le Président Georges Pompidou décide d’affecter le plateau Beaubourg à la construction d’un centre culturel pluridisciplinaire d’un type entièrement nouveau.

www.centrepompidou.fr/en 09/05/2017

www.centrepompidou.fr/fr/Collections/L-atelier-Brancusi 09/05/2017

www.centrepompidou.fr/fr/Collections/Les-oeuvres 09/05/2017

www.chambre-claire.com 08/07/2018 Pinhole Sténopé. Photos de Paris, Lomographie par Catherine Heyman et chants révolutionnaires. STENOPE Photographies et stenopes, pinhole, Paris, Berlin, Cantal et Pays de Caux (Normandie) par Catherine Heyman, texte de Monique Rival.

www.clemenswerth.de 04/05/2018

www.clevelandart.org 31/05/2017 The Cleveland Museum of Art was founded in 1913 “for the benefit of all the people forever.” We strive to help the broadest possible audience understand and engage with the world’s great art while honoring the highest aesthetic, intellectual, and professional standards.

www.concordmuseum.org 17/11/2017 The Concord Museum educates visitors of all ages about the history of Concord and its continuing influence on American political, literary and cultural life. The Museum’s nationally significant collection serves as a catalyst for changing exhibitions, extended classroom learning, dynamic programs and publications relevant to an ever-changing world.

www.cooperhewitt.org 16/04/2017

www.cse.yorku.ca/museum 16/04/2017 The York University Computer Museum (YUCoM) is a historical collection and a research center for the history of computing in Canada located in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University. Visit YUCoM at York University.

www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/mnantropologia/portada.html 03/09/2019 El Museo Nacional de Antropología fue el primer museo dedicado a esta ciencia que se creó en España. Su fundación se debió a la iniciativa personal del médico segoviano Pedro González Velasco. Lo inauguró en 1875 el rey Alfonso XII como Museo Anatómico o Antropológico.

www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/mnceramica/home.html 24/05/2019 Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias "González Martí". Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.

www.cycladic-m.gr 18/10/2016 Cycladic.

www.dafmuseum.nl 26/08/2017 In het DAF Museum valt men van de ene verbazing in de andere. De vindingrijkheid die DAF voertuigen kenmerkt, vanaf 1928 tot heden, zal ook de niet- deskundige bezoeker boeien.

www.dancemuseum.org 21/09/2017

www.danielaberkhoutphotography.com 18/02/2017 Daniela Berkhout is an international award winning photographer located in the Niagara Region, specializing in maternity, newborn, children and family photography. Daniela Berkhout Photography is a Licensed Professional Photographer in Ontario and a proud member of the Professional Photographers of Canada.

www.darwinmuseum.ru 31/05/2017 Музей, как и всякое яркое явление в культуре, начинается с личности. Такой личностью для Дарвиновского музея был его основатель и бессменный директор до 1964 года, доктор биологических наук, профессор Александр Федорович Котс.

www.davidgualtieri.com 21/03/2017 David Gualtieri. Trips and Travels. Hello ! I'm David Gualtieri. I live in Seattle, Washington, USA. My website started in 1997 by documenting my trip to Peru and the experience of hiking the Inca Trail. As I made other trips, the website grew as a depository of my travel pictures. You are invited along in my continuing search to find my next "Favorite Place in the World".

www.davidmus.dk 14/04/2019 Davids Samling er centralt placeret i det historiske København, tæt på Kongens Have. Museet har til huse i den ejendom, som stifteren, højesteretssagfører C.L. David selv beboede, samt i en senere erhvervet naboejendom, begge fra det 19. århundredes begyndelse.

www.dbmuseum.de/museum_de/home 31/05/2017 DB Museum - Die ganze Welt der Eisenbahn. 1882 gegründet, ist das DB Museum das älteste Eisenbahnmuseum der Welt. Das 1882 gegründete DB Museum in Nürnberg mit seinen Außenstellen in Koblenz und Halle an der Saale ist das älteste Eisenbahnmuseum der Welt.

www.design-museum.de/de/informationen.html 29/01/2020 Das Vitra Design Museum zählt zu den führenden Designmuseen weltweit. Es erforscht und vermittelt die Geschichte und Gegenwart des Designs und setzt diese in Beziehung zu Architektur, Kunst und Alltagskultur.

www.dpm.org.cn/Home.html 24/05/2019 故宫博物院,故宫 北京故宫博物院建立于1925年10月10日,位于北京故宫紫禁城内。是在明朝、清朝两代皇宫及其收藏的基础上建立起来的中国综合性博物馆,也是中国最大的古代文化艺术博物馆,其文物收藏主要来源于清代宫中旧藏,是第一批全国爱国主义教育示范基地。

www.dpm-verden.de 04/05/2018